Как прилаганетo на физическото образование в училище се отразява върху здравното развитие на учениците ?

Едмонд Бичоку Университет „Александър Джувани“, Албания
Енгел Спахиу Университет „Александър Джувани”, Албания

Страници: 49-54


The professional preparation of the teacher and the techniques that the physical education teacher must master and implement in practice are the essence of a healthy development of students. This paper aims to present a complete picture of the teaching aspects and techniques used in schools in the Elbasan region today. One of the problems faced by the Albanian society today, and especially students, is obesity turning into one of the most troublesome problems of developing and emerging economies. Many of these countries are even thinking of treating a obese person as a person with disabilities. Given this fact, the focus of physical education teachers in the direction of obese children but also of children who have begun to have a passive life with the entry of personal (personal) mobiles for which they should not only increase their physical activity but also in the way of the education of a healthy life, remains primary and essential in today’s society and in the future. The research mode and the results obtained were made through questionnaires addressed to students in various schools in the Elbasan region. Students of different ages and gender have given their thoughts to spell out a complete picture about questions in the questionnaire. Based on the tables and graphs, a general conclusion for the study is given.At the end of the paper, recommendations are made to reach a more effective collaboration between teachers and students, as one of the main ways for the teaching process, some recommendations are given to teachers in order to develop various activities that promote a healthy living in society.

Ключови думи:

physical education, teaching, teacher, student, obesity, activities.


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