Музиката в българското училище в края на XIX и началото на ХХ век. Автор: Росица Драганова. София, Институт за изследване на изкуствата – БАН, 2020, 211 с. ISBN: 978-954-8594-00-4
Институт за изследване на изкуствата, БАН
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/VGEF6941
In her monograph Rositsa Draganova introduces new data and facts in the unique process of the creation and performance of bulgarian educational system particularly in its sector dealing with musical teaching. In the first three chapters of this survey the author analyzes in details the normative documents, the pedagogic practice, the philosophic and pedagogical concepts, the published during the surveyed period textbooks, guide books and training materials, as well as discussions between the musical pedagogues. The last chapter of this book presents historic information on Bulgarian musical professionals who are of particular importance for the development of musical pedagogy in our country. This book presents great interest not only for the researchers in the musical pedagogy sphere and for the professionals focused on the history of Bulgarian musical culture, but also for the teachers in music at the secondary schools. It could be used as basic reference in the training of future musical pedagogues.
Ключови думи:
history of the education, history of the Bulgarian music culture, music pedagogy, Bulgarian composers.
529 изтегляния от 28.6.2021 г.