Конституционните юрисдикции между върховенството на Конституцията и примата на правото на Европейския съюз

Виктория Мингова Великотърновски университет "Св. св. Кирил и Методий", Велико Търново, България

Страници: 253-268
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/JNPE4956


The interaction between the national constitutional jurisdictions of the Member States and the Court of Justice of the European Union raises questions that often cannot be answered unequivocally. The focus of this debate is, of course, on the fundamental question of whether European Union law takes primacy over national constitutions. This study presents the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice on the establishment of the principle of autonomy of EU law in relation to the internal law of the Member States in its development, since it is precisely the positions it adopts that allow the Court of Justice to derive the principle of primacy over ‘any provision of internal law’ as a logical and natural consequence of the unique nature of EU law. On the other hand, since this integration activity of the Court of Justice is not the result of a conscious activity of the Member States, legitimated by their constitutions, the inevitable question arises of whether the results of the activity in question do not clash with the main task of the constitutional courts ‒ to ensure a coherent and uniform application of the law within the national legal order and above all in accordance with the constitution. The case law of the constitutional courts of the Member States presented in this study leads to the conclusion that they regard autonomy as a relative characteristic, which is why they reject the principle of absolute primacy of European Union law over constitutional rules. It seems that no constitutional court could abdicate its role as a court of ‘last word’ in this respect.

Ключови думи:

national constitutional jurisdictions, Court of Justice of the European Union, judicial dialogue, autonomous legal order, founding treaties, international treaties, principle of autonomy, principle of primacy, supremacy of the constitution


652 изтегляния от 10.12.2021 г.