Правото на добра администрация – ефективен път към доброто управление
Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/VJSH9535
In today’s global society, achieving good governance is unthinkable without ensuring and affirming the right to good administration. It received its legitimate recognition for the first time in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. This Community act covers rights resulting from citizenship, but it is not limited to them. With it, the EU seeks to strengthen the protection of fundamental human rights by building on the achievements of society. It can therefore be argued that the acquis communitaire builds on the existing global legislation in this regard, including the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The global COVID crisis has strengthened the role of the state, and hence of public authority, in public and socio-economic life. Thus, the issue of the importance and role of good governance in the public sector has to come to the forefront of public attention. The right to good administration was gradually established as an important moment for achieving good governance on a national and international scale.
Ключови думи:
good governance, right to good administration, protection of fundamental human rights
589 изтегляния от 27.6.2022 г.