Понятието надзор за законност в исторически аспект – от зараждането му до съвременното разбиране на това понятие
Върховна административна прокуратура
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/MOVT6001
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual meaning of the concept of prosecutorial supervision, and thence the meaning of the concept of supervision of legality, through the prism of the development of the prosecutorial institution in Bulgaria after the Liberation. The need for this arose due to changes in the historical meaning and to the insufficient and, at times, not very correct clarification and understanding of the nature and purpose of the supervision of legality in terms of its effective practice and current content. It is not appropriate to ignore the fact that prosecutorial supervision before, as well as the supervision of legality both historically and at present, are methods for cooperation between the executive and the judiciary, which have always had a particularly important role. And they will continue to have this role through exact and lawful implementation from the perspective of their present understanding.
Ключови думи:
prosecutorial supervision, supervision of legality, historical aspect of supervisory activities, interaction / cooperation between the executive and the judiciary
534 изтегляния от 27.6.2022 г.