Теодор Теодоров като председател на VIII ОНС (1894–1896 г.)

Мариета Пенева

Страници: 84-103


Born March 14, 1859 in Elena, Teodor Todorov received his primary and secondary education in Elena and Gabrovo and then continued his studies in Russia. In 1893 he graduated from the Faculty of Novorossiysk University (Odessa). This determined his enduring feelings for Slavophilism and Russia. After returning to Bulgaria in the middle of 1886, he began his career as a lawyer in Ruse. His involvement with politics coincided with his professional development. Teodorov did not belong to the generation of politicians who took part in the national liberation movement, or the struggle for an independent church and education. From the beginning of his political career after the dethronement of Prince Alexander I he was defined as a Russophile. He strongly supported the dethronement of the Prince and endorsed the interim government of Metropolitan Kliment (Vasil Drumev) and was one of his defenders. During the time Teodorov served as Chairman of the National Assembly (1894-1896) he proved himself an extremely clever politician and a gifted orator. He asserted himself as the third major political factor in the country after the Prince and the Prime Minister. He was an irreconcilable enemy of liberals and Stambolov in particular. He was an undisputed authority among conservatives and hard-line Narodnyak Russophiles, and he advanced on the political arena at a time when the country had plunged into both social and political turmoil.

Ключови думи:

National Party, Parliamentary session, Reconciliation with Russia, Parliamentary elections, Government.


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