Още веднъж за надписа от късноримската крепост „Ковачевско кале” до град Попово

Владимир Стойков

Страници: 220-229


In 1998, during excavations of the fortress Kovachevsko Kale, a single-line Latin inscription has been found: ME S MITz VRICIEI MARTIALI sP C. It is carved on five stones of the fortress wall close to tower N 4. The inscription was hastily declared as unintelligible because of the ambiguous and numerous abbreviations. In 2011 V. Gerasimova published an article with information about several epigraphic monuments found in the vicinity of the late Roman settlement. Her conclusion was that these are arranged spolia – cut burial stelae used for urgent reconstruction of the city wall. Unfortunately she sees the inscription over a decade after its discovery – already irretrievable damaged. According to my reading the meaning of the inscription in touch is: Me(mento) s(criptum)! Mi(hi) Tz(into) Vriciei(us) Martiali(s) s(ua) p(ecunia) c(uravit) with translation: Remember the scripture! I, Tzintus Vricieius Martialis, took care (for that repair) with my funds! In addition above inscription well preserved traces of reconstruction can be seen. There is some other archaeological evidence of constructional repairs after destructive earthquake. After coins event dates to the reign of Emperor Theodosius I (379–395).

Ключови думи:

archaeological excavations, late Roman fortress, Kovachevsko Kale, Latin inscription, Theodosius I


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