За чумните епидемии през ранното средновековие

Георги Ковачев Техническия колеж на Чарлстън, Южна Каролина, САЩ

Страници: 437-447


This article presents the Early Medieval plague epidemics, mainly on the Balkans. There are eighteen major outbreaks during 541 – 767 AD, but the lack of sources is limiting the research. One of the most devastating outbreaks is that of 597 – 599. According to the chronicles, at this time the invading Avars suffered some heavy population looses, and the same is suggested for the byzantine population. In the beginning of the 7th century a great number of settlements in North-Eastern Thrace ceased to exist. Most of the researchers are considering this to be a result of the avars’ invasion, but perhaps the plague has a great share in the process of depopulation. Still the archeological excavations and observations are not sufficient for making conclusions. In the 7th and the 8th centuries, perhaps because of the frequent plague outbreaks, North-Eastern Thrace was a population free zone with no major role in the Byzantine economy, and without defensive resources. After the establishment of the Bulgarian kingdom the land was granted to khan Tervel with the pact of 716, perhaps with the idea that the Bulgars did not posses human resources for adapting the territory, and with the possibility for the Byzantines to fight it back in the future.

Ключови думи:

Early Medieval plague epidemics, North-Eastern Thrace, khan Tervel, Bulgars, Avars, Byzantines


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