Хрониката на Зигеберт и сведенията му за българите в периода 680 – 820 г.

Пепа Лунгарова Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България
Стоян Михайлов Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България

Страници: 448-471


Sigeberti Gemblacensis Chronica contains records about the Bulgarians which are unfound in any other medieval sources. In this paper are analyzed the records in Chronica of Sigebert of the period 680 – 820 A.D. The Latin text and its Bulgarian translation are presented simultaneously. In addition to the excerpts concerning the Bulgarians are also included records about the Caliphate and the Byzantium. According to L. C. Bethmann, the publisher of the Chronica of Sigebert, the common thing about these passages is that they originate from a common source – Historia miscella. There are two possible for the origin of these unique records for the Bulgarians contained in Chronica of Sigebert. The first one is that the records known thanks only to Sigebert’s chronicle are his own interpretation to fill the chronological “gaps” in his knowledge about the Bulgarian history. The other hypothesis is that Sigebert, except the version of Anastasius work, has had another unidentified medieval source from which originate the records about the Bulgarians and Byzantium known only by his chronicle.

Ключови думи:

Chronica of Sigebert, Historia miscella, Medieval Bulgaria, Byzantium, 7th–8th Century


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