Архиепископските църковно-народни събори на Македонската православна църква, проведени в периода от 1968 до 1977 година

Йосиф митрополит Тетовско-Гостиварски

Страници: 100-104
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/WWFW4255


Immediately after the proclamation of the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC) at the Third Macedonian Church and People’s Council in Ohrid in 1967, in 1968, the Fourth Macedonian Church and People’s Council took place. In the years that followed, the Macedonian Orthodox Church did not hold a new churchpeople’s council. She did it only in October 1974 when the Fifth Macedonian Church and People’s Council was convened. After three years of that Council, in December 1977 the Sixth Macedonian Church and People’s Council of the Macedonian Orthodox Church was held. It is in the content of this paper that the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Macedonian ecclesiastical gatherings, i.e. the councils held in the period after the proclamation of autocephaly and in the years from 1968 to 1980, will be covered.

Ключови думи:

Macedonian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, Holy Bishops’ Council, Archbishopian Church-People’s Council, the Third Macedonian Church and People’s Council, the Fourth Macedonian Church and People’s Council, the Fifth Macedonian Church and People’s Council, the Sixth Macedonian Church and People’s Council, Holy Bishop Synod, Patriarchate, Archbishopric, Patriarch, Archbishop, Metropolitan, Bishop, Restoration, Autocephaly, Autonomy, Church question, Recognition.


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