Метални находки като изследователски инструментариум за визуални арт проекти. Примери с артефакти от Първата световна война, открити в местността Прахова, Румъния
Universitatea Nationala de Arte din Bucuresti, Romania
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/KMGU6281
Metal detection is a controversial topic within the contemporary cultural environment, due to its complex and sensitive implications within national legislations, cultural policies and participative involvement of cititzens in scientific data collection. However, this technology proved to have a huge potential for any research and investigations, especially for artistic research projects. The amount of data, archaeological context and artifacts is impressive and enables approach, development, progress and fair conclusions, at the scientific level, for artistic projects based on the study of modern history artifacts. The investigative project presented here is based on the last five years of research activity as Romanian artist practitioner of metal detecting, with comparative references to the main and trend setting Romanian artistic project of metal detecting R.A.P.I. – Romanian Archaeological Photography Index, developed by Michele Bressan and Bogdan Gоrbovan, both professional photographers and graduates of National University of Arts, Bucharest. Our approach is oriented towards the potential sculptural value of artifacts detected and unearthed within the world war 1 sites from the specific area of Prahova Valley, the place of fierce mountain battles at the end of 1916. As in the R.A.P.I. project, we used the wideranging photographic documentation of detected and dig-out military artifacts, but in more creative approach , rather than documentary, following the sculptural potential of free composition of objects and artifacts. Overdesigned and over-engineered, fabricated under high quality military standards or on the contrary, under industrial war effort ersatz regulations, these artifacts, wearing the centennial decay of underground and oblivion, express certain aestehtic qualities if composed in creative ways, as sculptural objects. The main objective of this study is the potential of metal detecting as a research tool to identify artifacts with sculptural readymade potential, composed and photographically investigated within creativity methods of contemporary sculpture. Used in the appropriate circumstances of legality, ethics, scientific rigor and also artistic creativity, metal detecting would acquire a major status within cultural enviroment through interdisciplinary artistic research projects combining art, archaeological survey, immersive history and participative citizen science.
Ключови думи:
metal detecting; artistic research; military artifacts; sculptural objects
616 изтегляния от 19.9.2020 г.