Дигиталното рисуване като инструмент за постигане на декоративно-абстрактна образност в обучението по изобразително изкуство
СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“, София, България
СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“, София, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/OKSD5571
In fine arts education more and more dynamic changes are required in the context of the current situation. Their main goal is to achieve adequacy with regard to contemporary social reality, reflected in current concepts and forms related to the art itself. Fine arts education is not intended solely to train and transform students into artists and authors. It aims to develop the visual culture and literacy, creative, abstract and contextual thinking, as well as value orientation, that everyone needs. These are all things essential for building the personality of today’s people, for their progressive development, success and adaptability in the context of today’s reality. Decorative-abstract imagery is at the heart of the present complex reality, almost entirely enveloped by digital media and electronic technologies, where everything is deep in information and visual glut. The understanding, comprehension, and application of abstract art forms is increasingly changing in tune with the changing thinking, behavior, and understanding of today’s people about the world and art. In this context, digital drawing is increasingly entering the present day and is gradually replacing the classical methods of drawing. It was initially perceived as a new art form in which traditional techniques are applied through digital instruments. The computer helps the artist to perceive the world in a new way.
Ключови думи:
digital drawing; decorative-abstract art forms; visual art education
615 изтегляния от 28.10.2021 г.