Компютърна съзидателност: зараждане и развитие на компютърните изкуства
Докторант в Националната художествена академия, България
In the history of art, certain artists began to stand out thanks to reasons that were not always directly related to the subjective value of their works. During the stormy and rebellious 1960s, so many changes took place in the world of art that some events and persons remained in the background. This is the case with the controversial computer arts. This article studies the history of computer arts and sheds light on this problematic subject by tracing the relationships of people and events. It is problematic because, apart from being neglected by quite a few artists and curators, it turns out that the term ‘computer arts’ itself is controversial to its creators. For the first time in art history, as Frieder Nake (one of the actual pioneers in the field) argues, the technological means of making art becomes a definition, part of the name of an entire genre. Also, the name itself creates an abyss of possibilities for its interpretation. Are computer arts actually art made by computers, or are they art at all? These questions are the weapons of the opponents of these art forms, but, in fact, they can lead to very interesting discussions, giving possible answers to questions about art in general.
Ключови думи:
computer art; digital art; media art; computer graphics; algorists; computer history; computer creativity; algorithmic art; art and science.
385 изтегляния от 17.6.2023 г.