Музеят в хипермодерните времена: основни тенденции в пиар комуникацията
Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/NQQH6048
The main tendencies and priorities in the strategical and communication management of the museums in the hypermodern times are being examined in the text. In the dynamic context of the epoch, significant changes in the public life related to the triumph of the digital technologies and the transformations in the communications and the marketing are being observed. In the large-scale processes, which comprise the separate industries and draw new perspectives in the development of the organizations from different social fields, the museum as a type of a cultural institution with a rich history, is transformed into an open territory for the new tendencies and successfully implements the tools of the digital PR whose identity is being formed and manifested in the times of the hypermodernity, which came into existence in the last quarter of the ХХ century. In the conditions of increasing competition and the growing interest towards technological innovations, the museums in a worldwide scale, apply new approaches in the communication with their diverse audience and constantly widen their integrative potential. The study is based on the theoretical formulation of the French philosopher and sociologist Gilles Lipovetsky about the hypermodern and hyperconsumerist society.
Ключови думи:
museum, PR communication, hypermodern times, digital technologi es, artificial intellect
73 изтегляния от 26.11.2024 г.