Използване на дигитални методи за работа по вече съществуващ скулптурен обект или на такъв в процес на изработка
Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/QBCH9804
The report examines key aspects of using digital methods in working on sculptural objects, both existing and in progress. An analysis of current trends and the impact of technological advances in sculpture is presented, with a focus on 3D scanning and virtual modelling Digital methods and tools and software platforms and hardware technologies for scanning, modelling and virtual creation are explored. Through a review of real-world examples and research projects, the possibilities and advantages of digital technologies in sculpture are illustrated. It analyses the challenges that arise when using digital methods and highlights the importance of combining classical sculptural techniques and digital skills. Emphasising the importance of digital methods as tools that enrich and extend sculptural practice and create opportunities for achieving high quality and innovation in art.
Ключови думи:
3D, sculpture, scanning, modelling
70 изтегляния от 9.12.2024 г.