140 години български закон за здравеопазването. Д-р Димитър Петров Моллов и връзката „педагогика–медицина“

Калин Гроздев Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България

Страници: 123-128
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/TJYR4005


The author dedicates the article to an important anniversary – 140 years since the adoption of the “Provisional Rules for the Sanitary Structure of the Principality of Bulgaria”. Dr. Dimitar Petrov Mollov is the main author of this law. He is an alumnus of Elena’s class school. He has worked as a teacher in the villages of Sadina, Kovachevets and Varbitsa, Popovo. He studied in Kiev and graduated there the Spiritual Seminary in 1867. He studied medicine at the Moscow University and brilliantly defends his dissertation on “Claud Bernard’s Chloroforming”, a major contribution to world anesthesiology. In the history of Bulgarian medicine, he has two first places: the first Bulgarian doctor to be awarded the Doctor of Medical Sciences in Russia and the first Bulgarian academic professor of surgery in Russia. He participated in the Serbian-Turkish war. After the Liberation, Dr. Mollov actively participates in political life and contributes greatly to building the foundations of Bulgarian culture and Bulgarian healthcare. He participates in the four consecutive wars: the Serbian-Turkish, the Liberation, the Serbian-Bulgarian and the Inter-Allied, and he performs the tasks assigned to him. Dr. Mollov was awarded with: Silver and Gold Cross, Serbian Silver Order for his participation in the Serbian- Turkish War 1876, Russian Order “St. Stanislav” – second degree and two orders“St. Alexander” – third degree (1883; 1886); Turkish Medjidis Order; Bulgarian Order for Civil Service –First Degree 1896.

Ключови думи:

first law for Bulgarian healthcare, first Bulgarian doctor, “doctor of medical sciences”, first Bulgarian academic lecturer in surgery in Russia, author of the first law on Bulgarian healthcare.


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