Особености на физическото развитие и физическите качества на 12–14-годишни баскетболисти, които се подготвят за играта „Баскетбол 3 х 3“

Мартин Бонев Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България
Людмил Петров Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България
Мирослава Петкова Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България

Страници: 64-70
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/BLQL7684


The aim is to explore the peculiarities of the physical development and physical qualities of 12–14- year-old basketball players preparing for the 3 x 3 basketball game. The tasks are limited to: Studying and analyzing the peculiarities of the physical development and physical qualities of 12–14-year-old basketball players, according to information sources. Development and approbation of a specialized methodology for teenage basketball players aged 12–14, practicing basketball 3 to 3. Establishing the influence of the applied methodology on the physical development and physical qualities of the young basketball players. Upon completion of the impact, the physical development of the experimental group of basketball and basketball players 3 x 3 using the methodology we use shows stability. The coefficient of variation (V) is less than 10% in the tests “Growth”, “Expansion Stage”, “Expansion Seating”, marks a homogeneity that confirms the assertion that the selection of basketball players in this group is appropriate. Regarding the physical qualities it is evident that for the strength of the upper and lower limbs is worked, as it has a credible improvement but generally this quality develops later in the boys due to the peculiarities of the male organism and the sensational periods, stronger development after 15-16 years of age. The same applies to speed-hopping options. There is a credible improvement in test results jumping length from spot and rebound height.

Ключови думи:

basketball, basketball 3 on 3, 12–14 year old basketball players, physical development, qualities.


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