Биомеханичен анализ на борбата чрез фронтален натиск с глава върху гърдите на противника в сумо

Христо Христов НСА „Васил Левски“, България

Страници: 208-213
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/ZZWW8736


The Sumo sport discipline is characterized by incomparable by the nature and character force interactions. The briefness of the fight requires the sumo wrestlers to possess a wide range of sports and technical almost automated skills to manage their motor action depending on the opponent qualification. The aim of the present study is to establish the phase structure, functional features and mechanical principles of the sport-technical skills of the fight by frontal head pressure on the chest of the opponent in sumo. Methodology. For the purposes of the analysis, the fight is divided into separate phases, using a video computer system for determining the kinematic and energetic parameters of the movements. Results. Taking into account the fact that the mass of the defeating athlete is 23.5% lower and he is 5 cm shorter than the opponent, the results show three basic mechanical conditions that contribute to his victory during the fight: generating a powerful power rotation moment from the lower limbs to raise and guide the upper body through the initial acceleration phase; creating and increasing the detour force arm in order to disturb the balance of the opponent in the sagittal plane and use its inertia of movement. Discussion. The results of the study, on the one hand, justify the use of this sport technique against opponents with higher stature and mass. On the other hand, the resulting quantitative values of the parameters can serve to improve the training process, providing guidance on the qualities required for the competitors to use this technique,and also for defensive actions.

Ключови думи:

sumo; biomechanical parameters, linear velocity, kinetic energy, center of gravity


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