Компетентностите на учителя по музика като отговорност на музикалнопедагогическото образование

Теодор Димитров Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България

Страници: 45-54
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/QBUH3277


The subject of this study is the professional competence of music teachers, as well as the complex relation between the musical competencies acquired in different musical disciplines during musical and pedagogical education on the one hand, and the specific manner of their complex functioning in music lessons on the other hand, considering the goals and tasks of this subject in general education. The aim of the study is to consider the necessary competencies of the music teacher for the accomplishment of practical learning outcomes, as well as to compare them with some aspects of the training in professional music pedagogy that is subject-oriented. An extensive database and regulations were surveyed, analysed, and then compared to the peculiarities of teaching as part of general education. In the course of this study, we came to the conclusion that the goal of the professionally studied music disciplines and the purpose of music education in Bulgarian schools are generally different. At school, the competencies of the teacher should not be adapted. They should function in a different way and with a different purpose. The current study proposes two models that would be effective for future teacher training. The first one suggests that, during the training of future teachers, integrativity should be intentionally demanded between the subjects studied. The second model considers the possibility of introducing elective music disciplines that would comply with the competencies set out in the training curriculum in music.

Ключови думи:

competence approach; music education; music pedagogy; music teacher


688 изтегляния от 29.6.2022 г.