Скок в дигиталното – „за“ или „против“ или „доколко“? Национално проучване на студентските нагласи
Нов български университет – София, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/PGNZ6206
This paper presents the results of a national survey involving 45 higher education institutions in Bulgaria, which aims to determine students’ attitude towards online learning (OL). The study was conducted in the second half of 2021 and included five factors: Support, Facilitation, Difficulties, Communications, and Technologies. Тhe results show that students still do not have a unified opinion and a firmly formed attitude FOR or AGAINST this type of learning. Approximately half of the respondents support it and have found a way to interact, while the rest do not express support, are dissatisfied with the communication during OL, or have no opinion; over ¾ find it facilitating and declare no problems in dealing with technology; over ⅔ do not consider it difficult. However, the negative opinions expressed and the high percentage of respondents without an opinion indicate that students are not entirely sure whether OL is effective enough and whether they prefer it, especially master’s students and those living in the city of the educational institution. Students who live in settlements far from the location of the university, as well as those studying for a bachelor’s degree share rather supportive opinions regarding all factors. When asked, however, whether they would recommend it, only 25% of all respondents agreed, i.e. their behaviour did not match their opinion. The emerging trends are specific to the Bulgarian environment and should not be ignored when developing or updating higher education policies, both at the national and institutional levels.
Ключови думи:
online education; higher education; education management.
458 изтегляния от 30.6.2023 г.