Микроучилището като вариант на организационно-педагогическо решение за социализация в контекста на новото нормално
Тракийски университет – Стара Загора, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/ABDZ4956
This article refers to the ‘micro-school’ as an unusual and little-known pedagogical paradigm in the context of Bulgarian pedagogy. It theoretically collects the interpretations of the essence of the micro-school. It also outlines the grounds for its appearance and qualities, communicates tested models of its practical application, and assesses its efficiency in the Bulgarian educational reality. Furthermore, the paper aims at broadening the cognitive horizons of researchers, current teachers, students in Pedagogy and parents on contemporary issues of education. The micro-school is presented as a particular organizational and pedagogical solution and as a type of pedagogical perspective that boldly opposes the challenges obstructing the socialization process in times of isolation and crises. Driven by the desire to contribute to the field of pedagogy, the author promotes foreign experience in specialized Bulgarian media. Her qualities should be at the service of Bulgarian children and their socialization in extraordinary conditions.
Ключови думи:
micro-school; pedagogical paradigm; students; children; socialization; preschool.
406 изтегляния от 30.6.2023 г.