Личностни диспозиции за асоциално поведение при юношите

Доротея Дунева Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България

Страници: 76-92


The increase of adolescents’ anti-social actions and the deepening of negative divergent behavior are both social and normative phenomena. It is necessary to study the conditions and mechanisms for the emergence and development of asocial behavior. This paper investigates the personal dispositions, which facilitate deviations. The deviation as purposeful behavior is common for individuals with asocial proclivity, and it provokes social problem, which in essence carries the features of destructive personal characteristics. The composition of deviating behavior consists of primary and secondary characteristics. The primary ones are related to the specifics of experiences and moods. The emotionally-volitional activity is characterized with one’s deep instability and weak purposefulness, combined with contradicting moods, anxiety, crying, and depression experiences, which lead to inadequate relation with the social environment. The secondary characteristics are pertinent to high psychological and social spheres of personality, as follows: changes in the structure and function of the Ego; difficulty to analyze and evaluate social phenomena; inability to understand and accept social norms and requirements; unstable convictions; internal conflict; etc. Self-evaluation and the boundaries of self-control change.

Ключови думи:

disposition, asocial behavior, adolescents, Self-evaluation, destructiveness


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