Съвременни подходи за обучение на деца с обучителни трудности – единство на индивидуалната педагогическа, корекционно-логопедична и психологическа дейност

Хайдо Царуха Великотърновски университет "Св. св. Кирил и Методий", България, Частна профилирана гимназия „АК-АРКУС“ ЕООД, гр. Велико Търново, България

Страници: 143-150
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/HCBN3356


The term „special educational abilities“ refers to children whose educational needs arise from disabilities, dysfunctions or learning difficulties. In addition to the classical methods of training and education, they also need specially oriented methods for educational impact and training, corresponding to the needs for the formation, recovery and improvement of impaired functions. Children with special educational needs need daily relationships and contacts with normal children. In this way, children with learning difficulties are provided with an environment to achieve the main goal - the formation of their socially adaptive behavior. At the heart of this approach is integration. The integration process must be bilateral. On the one hand, to include work on the socialization of children with disabilities in their usual environment, and on the other - to change the attitude of the environment, respectively the attitudes of people towards them. School integration implies enriching the environment for children with SEN, applying a system of measures to provide them with the necessary educational services in the general education system, to meet their needs, desires, interests and aspirations in such a way as to achieve the greatest possible their effective education and development.

Ключови думи:

special educational needs, disabilities, pedagogical, correctional- speech therapy and psychological activity


652 изтегляния от 28.6.2021 г.