Либералният реформизъм на Джон Стюард Мил и новата концепция за свободата, собствеността и управлението
Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/KJNN6704
The article is devoted to a key moment in the history of British liberalism when, under the influence of the Industrial Revolution, the need arose for a revision of classical liberal teaching. On the border between classical and social liberalism stands the figure of the British philosopher and economist John Stuart Mill who attempted to update the basic tenets of liberal ideology. Taking into account the socio-economic reality of his time, he set out to revise the foundations of liberal ideology, rethinking in modern times the problems of freedom, property and governance by expanding their perimeter in favour of the masses. This article also details Stuart Mill’s concept of individualism and collectivism in the context of freedom and the right to self-determination.
Ключови думи:
individual, society, Industrial Revolution, liberalism, freedom, individualism
669 изтегляния от 16.12.2021 г.