Смисълът на образованието в съвременната феноменологическа онтология – Ойген Финк и Еманюел Левинас
Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/MAVK8491
This article discusses the problem of education according to E. Fink and E. Levinas. In Fink’s opinion, education should acquaint young people with basic phenomena of human being, and introduce them to the problems of the being as a whole, immortality, culture and history. The basic method that should be used in education is the game method. According to Levinas, education should acquaint young people with The Other, with its uniqueness and originality. Respect and preservation of otherness is the basic principle in his philosophy. Moral education can only be realized as religious education, and communication with The Other can be achieved though prayer. Religious education is what can introduce a person to the history and culture of the world.
Ключови думи:
ontology, education, method, games, Other, prayer
564 изтегляния от 16.12.2021 г.