Чувствителност към отхвърляне в зряла възраст и взаимовръзката му с възприето родителско приемане-отхвърляне в детството
Нов български университет
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/HTGG1443
The aim of this article is to investigate the relationships between perceived maternal and paternal acceptance–rejection in childhood on the one hand, and rejection sensitivity in adulthood on the other hand. The sample consisted of 300 adults: 59 males (19.7%) and 241 females (80.3%) aged 18–49 (M = 34.33; SD = 10.475). The means used for collecting the data included a Parental Acceptance- Rejection Questionnaire/Control, Adult, Mother and Father Version, and the Interpersonal Rejection Sensitivity Scale. The results showed that adults’ remembrance regarding perceived maternal and paternal acceptance-rejection during childhood had a significant correlation with their current level of rejection sensitivity. We examined two age groups (early and middle adulthood), and there were significant age differences. The relationship between perceived parental rejection and rejection sensitivity was stronger in younger participants than in older ones. These results were interpreted within the framework of IPARTheory.
Ключови думи:
IPARTheory; perceived parental acceptance-rejection; relationships; rejection sensitivity; PARQ/C; IRSS
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