Подготовка за предаване, защита и оценяване на проекти по Компютърно моделиране и информационни технологии между V и VII клас
Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, България
Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/IJFQ1656
According to the current curricula in the subject of Computer Modelling and Information Technology between the 5th and 7th grades, there are classes for summarizing the knowledge acquired through project work. The Grade 7 annotation states that the focus is on the development of project work skills in data manipulation using computer word processing, spreadsheet software, computer presentation, and script text programming languages. It is standard practice for teachers to leave this activity for the end of the school year and to present it to students as an “annual project.” The authors’ experience shows that sometimes certain omissions occur in the organization and defence of such projects. This article describes the most common challenges that teachers have faced, and outlines strategies to deal with them. Sample rubrics and a report card rubric for formative and summative assessment are provided. The common validity of most of the proposed solutions makes them applicable to other subjects.
Ключови думи:
alternative assessment; formative assessment; self-evaluation; rubric; report card; portfolio; project.
555 изтегляния от 15.12.2023 г.