Визуални изследвания

Методика за опазване и популяризиране на културното наследство с художествени взаимодействия и образователни въздействия чрез информационни и комуникационни технологии

Ивелин Ненов

Страници: 204-216
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/RWLL9023


The methodics, subject of the present study is based on research and analysis of the impact of the results from conservation and cultural heritage activities. At the same time, the study explores the possibilities to promote cultural heritage with artistic interactions and educational impacts through the application of modern information and communication technologies (ICT), using an interdisciplinary analysis of the scientific information for the cultural heritage sites. The concept of “authentic artistic interactions” has been introduced as a new approach to the preservation and promotion of ruined cultural heritage. It underlines the importance of the interpretation of cultural heritage in the context of ICT (ICT) capabilities for the promotion of immovable and movable cultural values. Factual examples for presentation of the European cultural heritage, using Augmented reality, are viewed. The study presents the opportunities for interpretation of the cultural heritage through visual research with information and communication technologies (ICT) in a real “in situ” and museum environment through examples from Bulgaria for using the methodics, which was introduced in the dissertation “Conservation of the cultural heritage of Bulgaria in the context of the synthesis of architecture and fine arts “(Nenov 2016). It describes the capabilities of the method with examples from projects created by a team with head arch. Ivelin Nenov. “For these objects an environment for interpretation and presentation of the cultural heritage was created through visual interactions in a real “in situ” and museum environment.” (Nenov 2018.a) In the context of the examples of application, the study highlights the need for introducing new approaches for conservation and management of the cultural heritage, and it emphasizes the serious benefits for society as: the realization of educational influences, a qualitative change in the attitude towards the historical memory, a real opportunity to organize monitoring of the preservation processes in cultural heritage, inclusion of cultural heritage in sustainable development, building a new cultural infrastructure, a powerful boost for the development of the creative industries.

Ключови думи:

preservation and promotion, educational impacts , interpretation, cultural heritage, artistic interactions, visual research, аugmenteed reality, visual interactions


803 изтегляния от 24.3.2020 г.
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NA (771) / Bulgaria  (9) / China  (1) / Germany  (1) / Russian Federation  (2) / Ukraine  (3) / United States  (16)