База BUGAR(IN) у ономастици српскога jезика
The paper is about the use of the stem bugar(in) in Serbian onomastics and lexis, both in synchrony and diachrony. By the stem bugar and the ending -in, the singular of the ethnic Bugar-in is formed; but the ending -in is not transferred to the plural (bugar-i). In certain dialects, the singular form Bugar appears in analogy with the plural Bugar(i). In Serbian, the state in which the Bugari people live is called Bugarska (< bugar + -ska), and the kthetic is bugarski, -a, -o. In the history of the Serbian language this stem appeared in three forms: (1) blúgarü; (2) bolgar(in) and (3) bugar(in) in the contemporary Serbian language. In onomastics of the Serbian language speaking area, the stem bugar(in) appears as: a) the name of the Slav people: Bugari; b) a male name (XIII century): Bugarin; c) in some family names: Bugar, Bugarin, Bugarski, Bugarinovic, Bugarcic; d) in toponyms: Bugarice (near Mitrovica), Bugarska mala, Bugarsko groblje ( in Sumadija), etc. In lexis, the stem bugar (in) appears in a number of cases: a) bugar — a kind of a swine; b) bugarin — an East wind; c) bugarin — a gardener, a shepherd. In Serbian, family names with the stem bugar(in), can be understood in two ways: (1) as derived from the ethnic Bugarin, and (2) as derived according to the nomina agentis bugarin (a gardener, a shepherd).
Ключови думи:
stem*bugar(in), Serbian language, Serbian onomastics, Serbian lexis, appellative бугарин
696 изтегляния от 1.12.2017 г.