Личните имена от славянски произход в средновековната румънска антропонимия

Домниция Томешу

Страници: 27-42


This paper is the presentation of Romanian first names of Slavic origin, as they were attested in historical documents from the medieval period (s. 11-16). The evolution stages of Romanian anthroponomy in relation to the history of the Romanian language: (a) the establishment of personal denomination system through the process of Romanization and Christianization; b) the borrowing of Slavic and Cumana names etc. in the period of the contact with migratory people; c) the consolidation of the medieval anthroponomical system; d) the official fixation of the Romanian names; d) modernization through Occidental forms. The Slavic influence, the strongest contribution to the establishment of Romanian anthroponomy, is explained through the particularities of the Slavic migration (territorial stability, cohabitation with native population, assimilation and the process of Christianization). The motivation of the Slavic name borrowings: the need for enrichment and permanent renewal of the inventory, the attraction towards new elements, the social prestige etc. The influence of the Slavic anthroponomy includes the following stages: (a)the old borrowing of Slavic secular names; (b) the acquisition and transmission of Christian Greek-Latin names by means of the religious Slavonic language; (c) the direct neo-Slavic import from neighboring onomastic systems: Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Ukrainian. 28 The documented history of Romanian anthroponomy of Slavic origin: 1. the start-up period (11th-12th century): recording of first names with attested ethnicity of the carrier in the South-Danubian area, in Byzantine sources; in the North-Danubian area, in Hungarian documents; 2. the period of the thirteenth century: the configuration of Romanian anthroponomy in all historical areas; the unity and homogeneity of the areas from the South and the North of the Danube; 3. the period of the 15th and 16th century: the consolidation of the unitary Romanian onomastic system; the institution of a fund of first names of Slavic origin which competes against the religious first names fund; the late uniformity of the names of Slavic origin from the Romanian onomastic hides the regional specificity of the forms and their circulation; the emergence, within the onomastic derivatives from Moldavia, of the hypocoristic forms, diminutive and pejorative characteristics, unseen in other areas; the decrease of variants which were not adapted to the Romanian language system in favor of those with specific Romanian endings, sometimes rendered as articulated forms; the decline of single names in favor of double names; the diversification of derivatives with Slavic onomastic basis, whose prefixes may be organized typologically.

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