Contribuţia lingvistului Gheorghe Bolocan la dezvoltarea onomasticii româneşti gheorghe bolocan’s contribution to the development of the romanian onomastics

Elena Camelia Zabava

Страници: 379-385
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/BXOB3391


The outstanding linguistic personality of the Slavist Gheorghe Bolocan was successfully active in several ways. From 1975 until 2000 (year of his death), this passoinate linguist dedicated his entire energy and scientific experience to his most lifetime cherish activity: the Romanian onomatology. His good knowledge of Romanian language and Slavic languages led him to impose a new concept and method of research in this area: diachronic and synchronic perspective, in the linguistic and extralinguistic context , of the onomastics material. True founder of onomatology school, Gh. Bolocan laid the foundations of the Onomastics Laboratory, a remarkable institution specialized in the field, at University of Craiova where he was a professor. Since 1995, under the auspices of this Laboratory, he edited Studii şi cercetări de onomastică (SCO ), prestigious scientific publication, highly appreciated by experts both at home and abroad. Gh. Bolocan also published his monumental work (which earned him the Romanian Academy Award ): Dicţionarul toponimic al României. Oltenia. I volume ( AB ) in 1993, II volume in 1995 ( the following volumes appeared posthumously). That work on Dictionary of Toponimy generated the idea of other new dictionaries – precious tools, that were, unfortunately, published after his death: Dicţionar invers al numelor de localităţi din România (reverse dictionary of names of localities in Romania); Dicţionarul invers al numelor de ape din România (reverse dictionary of names of waters in Romania; Dicţionarul entopic al limbii române (entopic dictionary of the Romanian language). Anthroponomy is another area of onomatology in which he excelled. Thanks to Gh. Bolocan’s initiative the Database of Anthroponymics of Romania was set up in 1994; it contained all the surnames and forenames existing then in the country. Researching these names , the professor initiated another work of great utility: Dicţionarul numelor de familie din România (dictionary of surnames in Romania), Unfortunately, this project remained unfinished too.

Ключови думи:

toponimy, anthroponomy, onomastics, diachrony, synchrony


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