За някои топоними от Шуменския регион
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/MUFZ7372
The article generally presents the results of the analysis of 800 names of areas in the region of Shumen, which are included in the Archive of toponyms ofEpiskop KonstantinPreslavsky University ofShumen. The toponyms are systematized in thematic groups and according to their origin, and special attention is given to local names of plants and animals formed with a motivating lexeme. The findings indicate: I) the reviewed names include several layers - both old names of presumably pro to-Bulgarian and Slavonic origin and such formed from the local Turkish dialect; 2) the names belong to various thematic groups; 3) among local names of plants and animals formed with a motivating lexeme the prevailing ones are borrowed from Turkish language. A future profound research of the names will allow a detailed presentation of the diversity of the toponymical material from the Shumen region.
Ключови думи:
toponyms, region of Shumen, thematic groups.
1079 изтегляния от 16.12.2020 г.